Accel Blog

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This is part of the series of student authored articles published by Accel Learning. If you want your article to be published, simply email it to us on: learn(at)accellearning (dot)com There has been a really big debate going around on whether you should take the PARCC or not, and on whether it is really as [...]

PARCC or No PARCC?2018-06-03T15:30:21-04:00

Can Exercise Help Treat Addiction?


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] The idea of exercise helping you have a strong and healthy life isn’t a modern discovery. The Indians, Greeks, and the Romans found this solution out centuries ago. But can exercise actually help treat your addiction without any medical prescriptions. Scientists have done an experiment on furry little rodents, rats. Each rodent was [...]

Can Exercise Help Treat Addiction?2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00

Are Teenagers Actually Getting Enough Sleep?


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] More school districts are waking up to the reality that teenage students are sleep-deprived. A recent study shows that nine-out -of -ten students aren’t getting the rest their bodies need. That has raised a question in the educators mind on what to do. Many school districts are debating on whether to let school [...]

Are Teenagers Actually Getting Enough Sleep?2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00

Have a Happy Pi Day


Best wishes from Accel Learning             Today is Pi Day - 3/14/15 We have Pi days every year on 3/14, but today's day is special. Today's date aligns to the first 5 digits of the value of Pi! The next time we will have this setting of numbers will happen [...]

Have a Happy Pi Day2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00

Your Brain


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] How much do you really know about your brain? The truth is that we still don’t know everything there is to know about the human brain despite many other advances in science. However we know many more facts today than we did years ago. For example: Did you know that how big your brain [...]

Your Brain2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00

Music & Math


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] Does music really help you study better? Music is one of the few activities that stimulates all parts of your brain. However, can it actually enhance your ability to get work done? According to many scientific studies it actually can! The Mozart Effect says that listening to music can help you think out [...]

Music & Math2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00



[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] Did you know that your chances of dying on the way to get your lottery tickets is greater than your chances of winning the lottery?!?!?!?!? The most common lottery is usually where you pick six numbers from 1 to 49, and if the six that you pick match the six that are chosen [...]


Do Aliens use the Same Math as Us?


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] We really don’t even know if aliens exist. But we do know that there might be life on a few planets. Even if we do find an alien civilization will they have the same mathematical techniques as us? Or will it be different? You may think there isn’t an answer to this ingenious [...]

Do Aliens use the Same Math as Us?2018-06-03T15:30:22-04:00

Introducing Music Classes


Discover Melody, Rhythm and Music Accel Learning is proud to introduce Music Classes. We now offer Music classes for all levels and age groups. Get 1-on-1 lessons from the finest Music Instructor. Learn to play - Piano – including digital synthesizer Guitar – both electric as well as regular Drums – and all percussion instrument Classes [...]

Introducing Music Classes2018-06-03T15:30:23-04:00
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