Accel Blog

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New SAT vs Old SAT


Changes that you must know to crack the New SAT. Differences and Similarities between the New and the Old SAT. The new SAT (2016) is changing drastically from the old SAT. In terms of content, no other SAT changes in the past few decades have been this dramatic. If you're familiar with the old SAT, [...]

New SAT vs Old SAT2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

1.4 Million Jobs are waiting for your kids – Are they ready for it?


By the year 2020 over 1.4 million jobs will require critical coding skills. Our Education system is not yet ready to help your child get a piece of this $500 Billion opportunity. Here’s why Children should Learn To Code (And How To Actually Do It!) The basic fundamentals of coding is becoming a basic digital [...]

1.4 Million Jobs are waiting for your kids – Are they ready for it?2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

How to avoid making silly and stupid mistakes


Oh S%#*! How many times have we heard that when someone realizes that they made a silly or stupid mistake? In this post you will find ways to avoid making silly and stupid mistakes. But before we get started with the solution to the problem, let’s first define what these mistakes are. What is a Silly / Stupid [...]

How to avoid making silly and stupid mistakes2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

Introducing Singing Lessons at Accel Learning


Sing you way to Success with our Singing Lessons! Accel Learning is pleased to offer singing lessons with the launch of Vocal classes. Now get ready to bring out your singing talent. With the right instruction, anyone can learn how to sing. If you're a complete beginner, or someone with a lot of singing experience, the truth is [...]

Introducing Singing Lessons at Accel Learning2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

Happy Holidays 2016


Best Wishes from Accel Learning Accel Learning wishes all our students a very Merry Christmas and all the best wishes A Happy New Year! Note that Accel Learning will be closed on the following days: Dec 24, 25, 26 and 27 and again on Dec 31, Jan 1, 2 and 3. We will be back [...]

Happy Holidays 20162018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

Free Q and A for Accel Students


Introducing Free Q and A! Ask Questions - Get Answers - Anywhere - Anytime At Accel Learning, we want to offer our students all the opportunity to learn and excel. With that as our objective, we are happy to introduce an online studyboard - a first of its kind and free! Accel Learning students can [...]

Free Q and A for Accel Students2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

Free Online Math Practice


Accel Learning Math students get Free Online Math practice We are happy to introduce Free Online Math Practice for all our Math students of Accel Learning. Students can now take free online math practice tests on Tests are topic by topic, aligned to the Common Core syllabus so nothing is missed Students can take the [...]

Free Online Math Practice2018-06-03T15:30:02-04:00

The crisis of Ambrose Isaacs – Episode 1


[xyz-ihs snippet="Student-Articles"] Episode 1: The crisis has happened And cut! Ambrose Isaacs, known as the most preeminent film producer in the USA, was murdered. Due to this crisis some of the world’s most efficient and expertise detectives are investigating it. One of them is detective Jonas E. (Eiffel) Germaine. The death was declared all around [...]

The crisis of Ambrose Isaacs – Episode 12020-11-23T05:17:55-05:00

Join our COOP prep classes


Join our COOP prep classes and get the admission ticket to the High School of your choice! Many of our COOP prep students have gained admissions to their dream schools. Join our COOP Prep classes and you too can get the the school of your choice. The Cooperative Admissions Examination (COOP) Exam serves as one of the [...]

Join our COOP prep classes2018-06-03T15:30:03-04:00

Announcing Math Competition Classes


Are you ready for the Math Olympiads? Accel Learning is proud to announce our that: Our center has been approved to train students participating in the Math Olympiads, Math League and Math Kangaroo competitions Students can sign up for our Math Competition classes and get professional training from us. Students can participate in the competition at the Accel [...]

Announcing Math Competition Classes2018-06-03T15:30:03-04:00
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