Raise your Math Kangaroo Level 3 & 4 scores with this online practice test. This test covers all the 3 levels of difficulty of Math questions.

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What you’ll get

Practice Math Kangaroo – Level 3 & 4 tests unlimited times in 3 modes:

  • Warm-up Test – A short 6 questions test to help you warm up
  • Non-Timed Test – Full length test with 24 questions non-timed, so you can go on your own pace
  • Challenge Test – Full length test with 24 questions timed just like the real test

Dynamic Tests: All tests are auto generated from a large collection of question bank. Each attempt of any test is like taking a new practice test with different questions. So, go ahead and practice your way to perfection!


Math Kangaroo 3-4 Banner

Math Kangaroo Introduction

The Math Kangaroo Competition is an international mathematical competition where over 50 countries are represented. There are twelve levels of participation, ranging from grade 1 to grade 12. The key competence tested by Mathematical Kangaroo is logical combination, not just pure knowledge of formulas. It is also the largest competition for school students in the world, with over 5,000,000 participants.

There are 6 tests each mapping 2 grade levels:

  1. Level 1 & 2 – For students in grades 1 and 2.
  2. Level 3 & 4 – For students in grades 3 and 4.
  3. Level 5 & 6 – For students in grades 5 and 6.
  4. Level 7 & 8 – For students in grades 7 and 8.
  5. Level 9 & 10 – For students in grades 9 and 10.
  6. Level 11 & 12 – For students in grades 11 and 12.

This means that a student in let’s say grade 3 will take the same test (level 3 & 4) as the student in grade 4. The test results are however based on individual grade level

Math Kangaroo Summary

Who can take the test?Students from grades 1 to 12 can take this test.
Students take the test in grade pairs – grade 1 & 2 students take the Level 1 & 2 test, grade 3 & 4 students take the Level 3 & 4 test and so on…
When is the test conducted?Every year in the middle of March – usually the 3rd Thursday in March.
What is the Format of the test?All questions are multiple choice
What is the medium of the test?Was Paper based but has been changed to Online now.
What are the Topics covered in the test?This is a Math Aptitude Test, so it is not based on a syllabus or curriculum. The students solve Math Logic questions that require knowledge of multiple Math topics as well as a strong logical thinking capability.
The test has 3 sets of questions:
3 Point questions – relatively easy questions
4 point questions – slightly difficult questions
5 point questions – challenging questions
How long is the test?Total test duration is 75 minutes.
Grades 1 to 4 have 24 questions to be solved in 75 minutes
Grades 5 to 12 have 30 questions to be solved in 75 minutes

Click here to get more information about Math Kangaroo.

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