The SSAT questions are divided into four scored sections and one (unscored) Essay prompt located in the Writing Sample section.

Test Section Questions Time Details
Writing Sample 1 (unscored) prompt 25 minutes Topic statement which you will be asked to respond to (support or argue), using specific examples from personal experience, current events, history or literature
Quantitative (Math) 25 multiple choice 30 minutes Number Concepts and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, Probability
Reading 40 multiple choice (7 passages) 40 minutes Main Ideas, Details, Inferences, Word Meanings, Author’s Purpose and Tone, Opinions and Arguments, Predictions
Verbal 60 multiple choice (30 synonyms and 30 analogies) 30 minutes Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, Ability to Relate Ideas Logically
Quantitative (Math) 25 multiple-choice 30 minutes Number Concepts and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement, Data Analysis, Probability
Experimental 16–20 multiple choice 30 minutes Verbal, Reading, and Quantitative-style questions