To learn how to cancel subscription…

Follow these steps:

  1. Visit on your browser
  2. Click on My Account on the top right menu
  3. Login with your credentials – Username and Password. If you have forgotten your password, click Lost your password. A password reset link will be sent to the email address you used at the time of enrollment. You can reset the password by clicking on that link
  4. Upon logging in you will see your Dashboard.
  5. Click on My Subscription to view the list of subscriptions
  6. Scroll to the Subscription for which you want to cancel and click on the View button
  7. Click on Cancel button to cancel subscription
  8. Be sure to get the notification message that Your subscription has been cancelled
  9. Notice that Canceled Subscription may show Pending Cancellation status until the End date of your subscription. But it will not renew, so you will not be charged.

or watch this Video:


If you need help, you can reach us on 1-844-422-2355 or drop us an email on