Learn about the upcoming PARCC test and get your questions answered.
Many of you may have heard of the upcoming PARCC test that your child will be talking in lieu of the NJASK for Math and Language Arts. This is a big transition for students and has raised several questions, rumors and doubts in everyone’s mind.
Accel Learning is here to help answer those questions, get you the facts and clear doubts.
Join us for “A walk in the PARCC” at the Secaucus Public Library. Get clear and concise answers to the following questions:
- What is PARCC?
- Why should my child take the PARCC?
- What does the PARCC Assessment look like?
- What can I do to prepare my child?
As part of the event, you will be able to get a demo of the actual PARCC for both Math as well as Language Arts and attempt sample questions.
To attend this event, you will need to register with the Secaucus Public Library.
Please contact Jennifer May at the Library to register.