Raise your Grade 7 Iowa Assessments scores with this online practice test. This course covers practice tests for the Math, Language Arts, Reading and Science sections.
Get access to this course and over 30+ courses all for a single price of $39.99/month as part of the Practice Unlimited courses. Get access to over 300 practice tests with over 15,000 questions!
What you’ll get
Practice Iowa Assessments tests unlimited times in 3 modes:
- Warm-up Test – A short 5 questions test to help you warm up
- Non-Timed Test – Full length test but not timed, so you can go on your own pace
- Challenge Test – Full length test timed just like the real test
Dynamic Tests: All tests are auto generated from a large collection of question bank. Each attempt of any test is like taking a new practice test with different questions. So, go ahead and practice your way to perfection!
Course Content
The Iowa Assessments (previously the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and originally Iowa Every Pupil Test of Basic Skills) also known informally as the Iowa Tests or colloquially as ITBS tests, are standardized tests provided as a service to schools by the College of Education of the University of Iowa.
The tests are administered to students in K-12 grade as part of the Iowa Statewide Testing Programs, a division of the Iowa Testing Programs (ITP).
In the 2011-2012 school year Houghton Mifflin Harcourt replaced the Iowa test of basic skills (ITBS) and the Iowa Tests of Educational Development with the newly designed Iowa Assessments.
The new design was implemented to more closely follow the Common Core State Standards. New research was also done on the Iowa Assessments to connect performance to the ACT exam. This will allow Iowa Assessments scores to determine if a student is on track to be ready for college.
Iowa Assessments Summary
Who can take the test? | Students from grades K to 12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When is the test conducted? | Here’s the schedule of tests by level for each grade
What is the Format of the test? | It is mostly multiple choice with a few open ended questions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What is the medium of the test? | Paper based | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
What are the Topics covered in the test? | Topics in the test for kindergarten to 2nd grade (levels 5-8) include:
Sections for 3rd grade to 8th grade (levels 9-14) include:
How long is the test? | ![]() |
Click here to get more information about the Iowa Assessments.
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- Unlimited retakes
- Dynamic Tests
- Large Question Bank
- Real Test Simulation
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