Raise your HSPT Exam scores with this online practice test. This course covers practice tests for the Sequences, Analogies, Quantitative, Verbal Reading and Math sections.

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What you’ll get

Practice COOP tests unlimited times in 3 modes:

  • Warm-up Test – A short 5 questions test to help you warm up
  • Non-Timed Test – Full length test but not timed, so you can go on your own pace
  • Challenge Test – Full length test timed just like the real test

Dynamic Tests: All tests are auto generated from a large collection of question bank. Each attempt of any test is like taking a new practice test with different questions. So, go ahead and practice your way to perfection!

Course Content

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COOP Sequences
COOP Analogies
COOP Quantitative Reasoning
COOP Verbal Reasoning - Words
COOP Verbal Reasoning - Context
COOP Reading
COOP Mathematics



The Cooperative Admissions Examination (COOP Exam) is prepared by a professional team of educators and assessment analysts at CTB/McGraw-Hill in conjunction with an advisory committee from the sponsoring dioceses.

The COOP Program serves as one of the criteria for admission to a Catholic High School located in the metropolitan areas of New Jersey.

The COOP Exam is an assessment strategy designed to enable the student’s high school admissions program of choice to measure the growth and achievement of the student, to date, and develop an accurate understanding of the student’s growth over time.

The purpose of the examination is to provide objective information about eighth grade students applying to the Catholic High School admissions program of their choice. The examination measures academic achievement in reading, language, and mathematics and contains additional material to assess academic aptitude and memory.

Please note that Catholic High Schools also utilize effort and performance ratings from grades 6, 7, and 8, as well as previous standardized test results.

NOTE: As of Fall of 2017, the COOP Exam has been replaced with the HSPT Exam in New Jersey.

COOP Exam Summary

Who can take the test?Students from grade 8
When is the test conducted?Every year on the first Friday of November
What is the Format of the test?All questions are multiple choice
What is the medium of the test?Paper based
What are the Topics covered in the test?Verbal Skills

  • Synonyms

  • Antonyms

  • Analogies

  • Logic

  • Verbal classifications

Quantitative Skills

  • Number series

  • Geometry

  • Number manipulation

  • Non-geometric comparisons


  • Vocabulary

  • Reading passages

  • Main idea

  • Recalling facts in context


  • Problem solving

  • Arithmetic

  • Basic algebra

  • Basic geometry


  • Usage

  • Spelling

  • Capitalization

  • Punctuation

  • Composition

How long is the test?The actual testing time is 2 hours and 22 minutes.
Test SectionQuestionsTime
Sequences2015 minutes
Analogies207 minutes
Quantitative Reasoning2015 minutes
Verbal Reasoning—Words2015 minutes
Verbal Reasoning—Context2015 minutes
Reading4040 minutes
Mathematics4035 minutes

Click here to get more information about the COOP Exam.

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