Raise your AMC 8 scores with this online practice test. This course covers all levels of difficulty of Math questions for AMC 8.

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What you’ll get

Practice AMC 8 tests unlimited times in 3 modes:

  • Warm-up Test – A short 5 questions test to help you warm up
  • Non-Timed Test – Full length test with 24 questions non-timed, so you can go on your own pace
  • Challenge Test – Full length test with 24 questions timed just like the real test

Dynamic Tests: All tests are auto generated from a large collection of question bank. Each attempt of any test is like taking a new practice test with different questions. So, go ahead and practice your way to perfection!


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AMC Introduction

The MAA’s American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) program leads the nation in strengthening the mathematical capabilities of the next generation of problem-solvers. Through classroom resources and friendly competition, the MAA AMC program helps America’s educators identify talent and foster a love of mathematics. The MAA AMC program positively impacts the analytical skills needed for future careers in an innovative society. The American Mathematics Competitions are a series of examinations and curriculum materials that build problem-solving skills and mathematical knowledge in middle and high school students.

There are 3 tests each mapping different grade levels:

  1. AMC 8 – For students in grades 8 and below.
  2. AMC 10 – For students in grades 10 and below.
  3. AMC 12 – For students in grades 12 and below.

This means that a student in let’s say grade 7 or grade 6 will take the AMC 8. Similarly, students in grade 9 and 10 will take the AMC 10 and so on.

AMC Summary

Who can take the test?Students in grade 8 or below and under 14.5 years of age on the day of the the contest can take the AMC 8.
Students in grade 10 or below and under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 10.
Students in grade 12 or below and under 19.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 12.
When is the test conducted?The AMC 8 is conducted in Nov each year
The AMC 10 & 12 are conducted in Feb each year
What is the Format of the test?All questions are multiple choice
What is the medium of the test?Paper based.
What are the Topics covered in the test?The material covered on the AMC 8 includes topics from a typical middle school mathematics curriculum. Possible topics include but are not limited to: counting and probability, estimation, proportional reasoning, elementary geometry including the Pythagorean Theorem, spatial visualization, everyday applications, and reading and interpreting graphs and tables. In addition some of the later questions may involve linear or quadratic functions and equations, coordinate geometry, and other topics traditionally covered in a beginning algebra course.

AMC 10/12 covers the entire high school curriculum including trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry, but excluding calculus.
How long is the test?AMC 8 has 25 questions to be solved in 40 minutes.
AMC 10 / 12 has 25 questions to be solved in 75 minutes.

Click here to get more information about AMC.

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For an in-depth practice and classroom coaching, join Accel Learning's Math Competition Prep Classes. Accel Learning offers Instructor led Math Competition Prep Classes for a number of competitions including Math Kangaroo, Math Olympiads, Math Counts, Math League, AMC and more.
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Practice Unlimited-BThis course and over 30+ courses listed below are included in the single price of $39.99/month as part of the Practice Unlimited courses. Get access over 300 practice tests with over 15,000 questions!


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