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Free Sample Iowa Assessments Grade 6 Reading

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Sample Iowa Assessments Grade 6 Reading

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Cause comes before effect.

1 / 10

1) Is the underlined sentence the cause or the effect?
Tara walked back to the school. She had left her backpack on the playground.

Cause comes before effect.

2 / 10

2) Is the underlined sentence the cause or the effect?
The children quickly sat in their seats. Their teacher had just walked into the classroom.

Cause comes before effect.

3 / 10

3) Is the underlined sentence the cause or the effect?
Rena went to the cobbler. She broke the heel on her shoe.

Read the passage properly.

4 / 10

4) Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Click here to Read Passage - Andrew and Gill

Andrew and Gill

Andrew dashed up the front steps of the little log cabin as the sun was rising. “Gil,” he hollered, “let’s go! We’ve got to get on the lake before the ranger does!” Slowly, shuffling like an old man, Andrew’s friend Gil headed toward the door.

“I don’t think this is such a good idea. If we get caught we’ll be in really big trouble,” Gil moaned.

“Why are you being such a wimp? We won’t get caught–the park ranger won’t be up this early,” chided Andrew.

“If you say so, then let’s get the oars and the fishing rods from the shed out back.” Gil walked passed Andrew and headed toward the shed, wearing a worried look on his face.

Once the two boys gathered their fishing equipment in their arms, they made for the rowboat down at the dock in front of their family’s cabins.

“Okay, untie us,” commanded Andrew as he loaded the last of the fishing equipment into the rowboat. Gil unwound the rope and the boys began to drift out to the center of the placid lake. As they drifted over the glassy water, a man watched them from the shore.

“I hope we have better luck than yesterday. Must have been three hours before–“

“Wzzzzzzzzz!” Andrew’s fishing line whirred like crazy through his rod. “I’ve already got something!” he exclaimed, as his line continued sailing through the rod. “This fish must be a monster!”

“Well what are you waiting for? Start reeling it in!” Gil said, urging his friend to haul up whatever was on the other end of the line.

Andrew leaned back, planted his feet firmly on the edge of the boat, and reeled in his catch. His fishing line danced around as he pulled up a glistening largemouth bass, still wriggling and trying to get free.

“Look at the size of this thing!” Andrew exclaimed. “It’s got to be at least 15 pounds!”
“Sssshhhh!” Gil whispered loudly. “We’ve got to get this fish back to our cabin, and we don’t want the park ranger to hear us!”

I don’t see what the big deal is about fishing when we could fish here last year,” Andrew began, but he was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice.

“Not so fast, son.”

Andrew and Gil whipped their heads around to the other side of the rowboat just as a uniformed park ranger pulled up alongside them. “I already told you why there’s no fishing this year,” he stated firmly. “The fish population has been completely depleted from overfishing. This is your second warning, and now you boys are going to have to come with me.

” The next morning, Andrew and Gil trudged slowly up the steps of the boat rental office. Once inside, they stepped behind the counter, each putting on a vest with “Silver Lake” stitched on the pocket.

“I can’t believe the ranger is making us work here without pay just because we caught a stupid fish,” muttered Gil.
“Yeah, there goes summer vacation,” sighed Andrew in agreement.

Who are the main characters of the story?

Cause comes before effect.

5 / 10

5) Decide whether the underlined event is the cause or the effect.

As the night grew colder, the campers put on jackets.

Cause comes before effect.

6 / 10

6) Decide whether the underlined event is the cause or the effect.

Kari didn't enter the contest because she missed the deadline.

Cause comes before effect.

7 / 10

7) Decide whether the underlined event is the cause or the effect.

The rainy weather caused the picnic to be postponed.

Read the passage properly.

8 / 10

8) Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Click here to Read Passage - Lasers


I am very interested in the development and use of lasers. I first became interested after I saw the movie Star Wars. Curious if lasers were ever used in the real world, I began studying their origins. I did research at the library and found that a pulse laser is basically a device used for storing energy and then releasing it all at once to give an intense beam of light. Also, the word laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by means of Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” The different types of lasers are: solid state, gas, semiconductors, or liquid.

The first pulse laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman. It contained a ruby crystal and produced a short flash of light. His pulse laser has been improved and can now produce light ten million times the intensity of sunlight.

In recent years, the laser has been used for many important tasks. In construction, the laser beam can be used for precise alignment in the building of tunnels and pipelines. Laser beams can also be used to measure distance and speed. For example, the Apollo astronauts used a laser beam and a special mirror to accurately measure the distance from the earth to the moon.

New uses for lasers are currently being developed in the medical world. Eye surgery and skin cancer treatment are performed with lasers. Also, lasers are beginning to replace radio waves in communication. Laser beams can carry many more channels of information than radio waves.

I now understand that laser beams are more than weapons in science fiction movies. Laser beams are instruments of the future. Research should continue to develop new and improved uses for the laser beam.

Which of the following is not mentioned as a modern use of the laser?

Read the passage properly.

9 / 10

9) Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Click here to Read Passage - Lasers


I am very interested in the development and use of lasers. I first became interested after I saw the movie Star Wars. Curious if lasers were ever used in the real world, I began studying their origins. I did research at the library and found that a pulse laser is basically a device used for storing energy and then releasing it all at once to give an intense beam of light. Also, the word laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by means of Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” The different types of lasers are: solid state, gas, semiconductors, or liquid.

The first pulse laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman. It contained a ruby crystal and produced a short flash of light. His pulse laser has been improved and can now produce light ten million times the intensity of sunlight.

In recent years, the laser has been used for many important tasks. In construction, the laser beam can be used for precise alignment in the building of tunnels and pipelines. Laser beams can also be used to measure distance and speed. For example, the Apollo astronauts used a laser beam and a special mirror to accurately measure the distance from the earth to the moon.

New uses for lasers are currently being developed in the medical world. Eye surgery and skin cancer treatment are performed with lasers. Also, lasers are beginning to replace radio waves in communication. Laser beams can carry many more channels of information than radio waves.

I now understand that laser beams are more than weapons in science fiction movies. Laser beams are instruments of the future. Research should continue to develop new and improved uses for the laser beam.

According to the author's research, what is one field in which lasers are being utilized?

Read the passage carefully.

10 / 10

10) Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Click here to Read Passage - Lasers


I am very interested in the development and use of lasers. I first became interested after I saw the movie Star Wars. Curious if lasers were ever used in the real world, I began studying their origins. I did research at the library and found that a pulse laser is basically a device used for storing energy and then releasing it all at once to give an intense beam of light. Also, the word laser is an acronym for “Light Amplification by means of Stimulated Emission of Radiation.” The different types of lasers are: solid state, gas, semiconductors, or liquid.

The first pulse laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman. It contained a ruby crystal and produced a short flash of light. His pulse laser has been improved and can now produce light ten million times the intensity of sunlight.

In recent years, the laser has been used for many important tasks. In construction, the laser beam can be used for precise alignment in the building of tunnels and pipelines. Laser beams can also be used to measure distance and speed. For example, the Apollo astronauts used a laser beam and a special mirror to accurately measure the distance from the earth to the moon.

New uses for lasers are currently being developed in the medical world. Eye surgery and skin cancer treatment are performed with lasers. Also, lasers are beginning to replace radio waves in communication. Laser beams can carry many more channels of information than radio waves.

I now understand that laser beams are more than weapons in science fiction movies. Laser beams are instruments of the future. Research should continue to develop new and improved uses for the laser beam.

The laser can produce light _____________________________________________.

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